I consult from Hereford where I live and also at two well regarded clinics, the Bosworth Clinic near Oxford and The Gait and Posture Centre, London W1.
If you would like to see me in Oxford, please contact me on mark@performt.com or 0794 1040013 or contact the Bosworth Clinic to Book an appointment:
Quarry Court
Bell Lane
OX29 4DS
T 01865 881334
F 01865 731081
E info@thebosworthclinic.co.uk

Gait & Posture Centre
If you would like to see me at the Gait and Posture Centre, please either contact me on 0794 1040103 or mark@performt.com or contact the Gait and Posture Centre to make an appointment:
The Gait & Posture Centre LLP,
Flat 6,
Harmont House,
20 Harley Street,
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7636 4465
Fax: +44 (0)20 7636 4286
Email: clinic@gaitandposture.com
For those who are unable to travel to one of these centres, I also provide telephone or Skype appointments.